Cluster Organisation

WSWK is an enterprise operating as a network of mutual cooperation agreements between Partners and the WSWK Coordinator.

The following bodies operate within the Cluster:

WSWK Partners Assembly – as an assembly of all Partners, legislative and advisory body.
Cluster Council – as a controlling, advisory and arbitration body.
Cluster Coordinator – as an administrative and executive body.

Meeting of Cluster Partners.

WSWK, as a joint venture, has an authority in a form of Partners Assembly, where each entity – WSWK Partner is represented by its representative.

Work of the Assembly of Partners is chaired by the Chair of the Assembly of Partners elected by the Assembly of Partners of the Cluster from among its Partners by a simple majority of votes for a two-year term.
Ordinary meetings of the General Assembly of Partners are held at least once a year. They are called in writing by the Cluster Coordinator in consultation with the Cluster Council with the agenda. The notice on convening the General Meeting of Partners should be sent 14 days before the date of the General Meeting of Partners (the date of sending from the e-mail server is decisive).
If the notice for the meeting is correct, the General Assembly of Partners is capable of passing resolutions – regardless of the number of present members.
Decisions of the Assembly of Partners are made by simple majority in the form of resolutions.
The Meeting of Cluster Partners will strive to reach a consensus when making decisions.
Extraordinary meeting of the Meeting of Partners is convened when the interest of the Cluster requires it. Extraordinary meeting of the Meeting of Partners is convened by the Cluster Coordinator within one month upon the written request of at least one third of the members of the Cluster or upon the request of the Cluster Council. The aforementioned request must also include a reference in the agenda.

The Meeting of WSWK Partners:

  • adopts the Regulations of WSWK functioning and its amendments,
  • adopts main WSWK activity directions,
  • adopts the plan of WCCN activities for the coming year,
  • adopts the strategy of VCS development,
  • examines and accepts annual reports of the Cluster Board on the WSWK activity and grants a vote of approval to the Board,
  • takes a resolution on dissolution of WSWK,
  • examines appeals against resolutions of the JSC Council,
  • passes regulations not reserved for other WSWK authorities;
  • considers and decides on matters brought up for discussion by the Partner Assembly, for which the statutes do not reserve competencies of other WSWK Bodies.

Cluster Council

The Cluster Council consists of Partners elected by the Assembly of WSWK Partners. The Cluster Council consists of 3-5 Partners.
Meetings of the Cluster Council take place at least once every 6 months and are convened by the Cluster Coordinator.
The WSWK Council prepares and implements the resolutions of the WSWK Partners Assembly. It is also obliged to submit annual reports on their implementation to the WSWK Partners Assembly. The WSWK Council decides on all WSWK matters, unless they require a resolution of the WSWK Partners Assembly. Decisions of the WSWK Council are made by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the Council members. Decisions can also be voted by circulation (by e-mail, voting application, fax, etc.).
The decisions of the WSWK Council can be appealed by WSWK members to the Assembly of Partners.

Cluster Coordinator

The Coordinator of the WSWK is Future Consulting Services Ltd. – with its registered office at 14 Verdant Lane, Eccles, M30 7QA and its representative in Poland.

The competences of the Cluster Coordinator include in particular

  • representing WSWK members towards third parties, including signing agreements on cooperation within the scope of WSWK activities, without the right to incur financial obligations without proper authorisation;
  • initiating projects and preparing applications for WSWK projects to be financed from aid funds;
  • undertaking initiatives set out in the WSWK Action Plan approved by the WSWK Assembly of Partners;
  • proposing new initiatives and projects concerning WSWK;
  • to make decisions concerning WSWK in all matters not reserved to the Assembly of WSWK Partners or the WSWK Council, except for decisions concerning property obligations.

The Coordinator undertakes to ensure equal access to services, training, materials, intangible assets, fixed assets and equipment within the activities for all members of the WSWK.

Person authorised to act

Within the WSWK, including in particular in the WSWK Partners Assembly, a representative of the Partner acts on behalf of the Partner.
Together with signing this agreement the Partner appoints and appropriately authorises its representative in the Cluster.
Provisions of the first paragraph are without prejudice to special requirements, which for making declarations of will on behalf of the Partner are provided by separate regulations. logo logo