The European Funds for a Modern Economy 2021-2027 Programme is a continuation of the two previous programmes Innovative Economy 2007-2013 and Intelligent Development 2014-2020.


Warsaw Collaboration Cluster Network starts accepting ideas to partner on the FENG programme (collaboration and mentoring) more below and the government website to follow – link (in Polish language only) The link will be available shortly with the publication to the FENG page on the WCCN website. If you shall have any questions in the […]

Warsaw Collaboration Network Cluster public consultations of the chemical pathway industry roadmap for the European Commission

WCCN is taking part in the Transition Pathway Chemicals – EBB preparation. This piece will be a the first document proposing to European Commission about the market, and public view on the transition pathway that shall be considered for the future of bringing the European Union the Climate Goals achievements in prospect of 2025, 2030 […]